title: ai4lam Metadata/Discovery WG Monthly Meeting
Apr 9, 2024#
8 AM California | 11 AM Washington DC | 4 PM UK | 5 PM Oslo & Paris
Jeremy Nelson (Stanford)
Andrew Elliot
Sara Amato
Joy Panigabutra-Roberts (University of Tennessee)
Sarah Mann
Erik Radio (University of Colorado)
Ian Bogus (ReCAP)
Craig Rosenbeck
Helpful Links#
Project Documents and Data#
Next meeting will be on May 7 2024 for Abigail Potter presentation on AI at LOC
Joy Panigabutra-Roberts’ presentation on AI authors and performers in the context of identity management.
Head of Cataloging at the University of Tennessee Libraries
What about AI Authors and A Robot Comedian?
Beta Writer and Steffen Pauly, Lithium-Ion Batteries: A Machine-Generated Summary of Current Research, 2022. From Artificial Intelligence in Libraries and Publishing
Brent Katz, Josh Morgenthua, and Simon Rich, I Am Code: An Artifical Intelligence Speaks. Poems by code-devinci-002. 2023. Simon Rich. New York, NY: Back Bay Books.
Jon the Robot (comedian)
PCC does not consider AI to be authors
Consider a Named AI or generative computer program used to create a resource to be a related work, not as an agent…
AstroLLLaMA-Chat - https://huggingface.co/universeTBD
The first open-source conversational AI tool tailored for teh astronomy community https://doi.org/10.48550/arXiv.2401.01916
Excerpt from Youtube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkCoTixo-MM - A Bot and Costello - Let’s Power the Whole Thing off
Philosophical and Legal implications are greater than cataloging these works generated by AI
Amazon generated books?
Case in wikipedia articles - predatory publishiser, declined to cataloged to. WIkipedia articles have varied quality,
Comes down to collection development to screen out poor-quality
Attributions, but include disclaimer, assisted by AI generated,
Publisher, authors not claim attribution if generated by AI.
How do you screen for these works? Be up front about how you are using generated
Not too hard to tell now if work is AI generated, aesthetical judgements by Cataloger. How would cataloger training be in 5 years?
Poor quality, don’t catalog
Responsibility of Author and Publisher to disclose and up front they need transparency.
Run into this issue in your institutions?
OCLC RLP Metadata Managers Focus Group will discuss on a topic related to AI and cataloging/metadata with both domestic and international institutions next week
Creating cataloging records on ebooks, convert publisher data, Ex Libris training a model using PDFs to train to extract publisher information from records
Another presentation Joy attended recently on a library that did an experiment to use ChatGPT with OCLC records, once you feed the data to the model, the data is now in the training set for OpenAI