title: ai4lam Metadata/Discovery WG Monthly Meeting
October 12, 2021#
9 AM California | 12 PM Washington DC | 5 PM UK | 6 PM Oslo & Paris
Jeremy Nelson (Stanford)
Erik Radio (Colorado)
Tim Thompson (Yale)
Victor Mireles (SWC)
David Lowe (Texas A&M)
**Notetaker (alpha by first name): **
[]{#anchor}Helpful Links
[]{#anchor-1}Project Documents and Data
[]{#anchor-2}Agenda Topics
Updates, announcements, intros
Demo of Jupyter Book for Metadata WG https://ai4lam.github.io/metadata-working-group/
Community Survey on AI projects with metadata
[]{#anchor-3}Meeting Notes
Introductions, Erik Radio is a new co-chair for the Metadata WG
Jeremy: We now have a Github pages website based on Jupyter Book live at
a. https://ai4lam.github.io/metadata-working-group/
b. Please suggest any changes/comments, will add new sections for > Tutorials and projects
c. Send Jeremy your github username to be added to the repository
Erik: Initial survey for the community
a. https://pro.europeana.eu/project/ai-in-relation-to-glams
b. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aMGRqeF-6BrGW7qvRat8V86nCVO-a4SxLbLexJMMx08/edit
c. Open to any questions to add
d. Add institutional support, organizational structures, buy-in > from administers
e. Make a case for AI projects
f. Third party services that you have investigated
g. Erik will work on survey for November meeting; identify > listservs at that meeting and send out
h. Possible write up of results as article
David: will talk about his recent article related to machine learning at our November meeting.