September 14, 2021

title: ai4lam Metadata/Discovery WG Monthly Meeting

September 14, 2021#

9 AM California | 12 PM Washington DC | 5 PM UK | 6 PM Oslo & Paris

Connection Information

Topic: AI-LAM Metadata Working Group

Time: This is a recurring meeting. Meet anytime

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: []( 

	Password: 306295

Or iPhone one-tap (US Toll): +18333021536,,91421044393# or +16507249799,,91421044393#

Or Telephone:

	Dial: +1 650 724 9799 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll) or +1 833 302 1536 (US, Canada, Caribbean Toll Free)


	Meeting ID: 914 2104 4393

	Password: 306295

	International numbers available:

	Meeting ID: 914 2104 4393

	Password: 306295


	Password: 306295

Zoom recording:


  • Tim Thompson (Yale)

  • Jeremy Nelson (Stanford)

  • Erik Radio (CU Boulder)

  • David Lowe (Texas A&M)

  • Luis Villanueva (Smithsonian)


  • Name

**Notetaker (alpha by first name): **Tim


Helpful Links

Project Documents and Data#

Agenda Topics#

  1. Updates, announcements, intros

    1. David L. has an article about binary classification project with abstracts forthcoming in Cataloging & Classification Quarterly

  2. New Co-chair of AI4LAM Metadata Working Group 2. Will post to Slack channels and to the Google list for co-chair

  3. Jupyter Book for Metadata WG Activities 3. Way to expand on interactive sessions, generate static sites to set up guides 4. Would allow for advancing projects, maintaining lists of resources, organizing work 5. Species Occurrence Project at Stanford is using this ( 6. Works with GitHub Actions: as new content is generated, auto-build and publish 7. Easy to manage content using git workflows 8. Can be cloned and run locally 9. Could be hosted on AI4LAM GitHub org (AI4LAM) 10. Users: 1. Erik (erikradio) 2. Tim (timathom) 3. Luis (villanueval) 11. Question: is there a list of projects being worked on? 4. AI4LAM has a registry, but we can start building our own 5. Idea: develop a survey to collect info about AI metadata work (tools, techniques, projects)